Monday, 25 November 2019


The term " views " was chosen to reinforce the point that such windows are used to "view" your information. The copyright owner and author of the software disclaim all warranties, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to the software or documentation. Installing and using this software signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions. This demo version is limited to 25 elements including links and 4 aspects. With two clicks you get this:. Any unauthorized use of the software will result in criminal and civil prosecution. i2brain

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i2Brain: Contact

There are currently two types of view. What does multi-dimensional mean? Send us an email to arrange the time. You may not use, copy, clone, sell, modify, distribute, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or transfer the software, or any portion of it, except as provided for in this agreement.


The very first time i2Brain starts, you see a particular project which describes some of the most important actions in the program:. Our agreements with credit card processors prevent us from issuing refunds as a cheque or in cash. Invite your intended co-organizers to follow your group on Peatix.

Please register for a newsletter so that we can inform you of updates. This demo version is limited to 25 elements including links and 4 aspects. I2beain tell us your time-zone. Before version 3 the "views" appeared outside the small main window.

i2Brain for Brainstorming

In the latter case k2brain MB more are downloaded. Where you find that there is more than one step, you divide it into two or more items. Co-organizers can edit group and event pages, access sales and attendee information, manage ticket sales and more.


You join activities which are in some way connected using arrows. So "Status" is also a dimension.

We'd like to help you! Register for a newsletter which keeps you up to date on i2Brain.

i2Brain: End User License Agreement

Define your terms, i. Most of these steps profit from you writing things down - whether on a flip-chart, a sheet of paper or typing it into some sort of software.

The brainstormers know enough about web sites to be able to write "Web host whatever that is ". This can make the tasks seem more important and the colleague who solves the "problem" gains kudos, but this linguistic inflation fogs the real situation. If you are updating, please rename the current folder where i2Brain is installed and then run the installer.

If you have any problems, please check your version and upgrade: The term " views " was chosen to reinforce the point that such windows are used i2bain "view" your information. Usually the wizard will appear when you start the program.

Double-clicking a file-name in one of the lists closes the wizard and opens that file. Many people refer to "tasks" as "problems". Pressing "ESC" or "Cancel" closes the assistant, leaving you with a new, empty project. Clicking one of them shows a short description in the pane to the right. Managers might find that i2braon of their younger and less experienced coworkers are simply scared of tackling certain tasks.


Giving them this recipe for solving problems will make them more productive, creative, motivated and happy. Of course, they are also available without an internet connection in i2Brain via the Help menu in the main window and F1. The current version is 3.

Everybody present can see the state of play. Read more about the wizard here.

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