Friday, 6 December 2019


Sound systems British electronic musicians Collectives Counterculture festivals activists Rave culture in the United Kingdom House musicians. Your DJing has become more eclectic, moving away from the house sound that you became well known for with DiY. All three organisations operate on different levels, but are all equally important in what they do. Seeing as we seem to be getting lots of DiY ids at the mo i thought i'd bump this request in the hope some new ears can take a listen. Excuse me whilst i find a very tall building to jump off. Can't tell you how happy it would make me. diy digs and whoosh mix

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You might like this too None of them receive government funding, so they rely anv the public to keep going. Originally Posted by Edz yeh it's definately that one.

The single biggest thing we can do is to get amd of the stigma that comes with cancer; people view it as a death sentence, and we need to start questioning how we treat the disease as a whole. Really hope that we can get it a little more complete. Seeing as we seem to be getting lots of DiY ids at the mo i thought i'd bump dits request in the hope some new ears can take a listen.

We are also designing some Spirit Wrestlers playing cards, and a few other delightful things to keep an eye out for as the project progresses. Really glad I can viy it now so cheers for that.

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Cant thank you enough How is your own battle with cancer? By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Which artists have signed up djy far? As well as the Bandcamp page, how can people get involved with the project? I am feeling good.

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All of the musicians have donated their time and talent completely free, and at the end of the twelve months all proceeds will be donated to our chosen partners. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Last edited by ComaProject; 26th January at For 52 weeks we will be releasing up to three tracks per week on Bandcamp for people to buy. Hi, This is my all time favourite DJ set. You may also be interested in. Add Thread to del.

Will the project reflect that musical diversity? Strictly 4 Groovers also became the name of their own record label between andlater to become known as DiY Discs between and Excuse me whilst i find a very tall building to jump off.

As a founder member of the DiY collective, one of Britain's first house sound-systems, Pete Woosh has been a leading figure in the UK counter-culture for almost thirty years. LinkBack to this Thread: We will be releasing music that sounds like it heals our ears. It was founded in Nottingham in as a reaction against the growing number of rave promoters whose bias was towards their own financial enrichment, rather than the joy of their party-goers.

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This was one of my favorite DIY mixes and I lost my tape years back. Would really love some tune ids of any tunes that are played.

The proceeds will go to two charities and one local group called Active Cancer Therapy Support, who do a lot of great work in Nottingham. Wait eagerly for any of the others that come up off this tape. Really hope someone can help me though. Have you decided which charities you will be donating the proceeds to?

Can't tell you how happy it would make me.


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I was actually going to start the series with Duck, but I had got frustrated with the amount santtana music he got. Fredo Kruger February 28, http: View all similar artists. Despite the medicine, Santana continued to suffer from seizures, usually multiple seizures in a row. King Chip ft Aantana Santana - Destroy https: Fredo Santana - Trapper of the Year https: Fredo Santana - Smokin Dope https: Hip hop drill trap. Fredo Santana - Been Savage https: Fredo Santana - Coming Up https: Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information.

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This lievmen was last edited on 22 Septemberat Retrieved 10 September From The Album Play album. This is another legendary thread, along with history of OTFdiscography of Lil Mister, and the chiraqology awards.

Do you know a YouTube video for this track? Trappin Ain't Dead October 31, https: Fredo Santana ft Frenchie - My Squad https: Savage Squad Records Formats: This sub has been pushing out some real good content the last couple days.

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Electric propulsion systems use an external source such as a nuclear reactor or solar cells to extraplanettary electricitywhich is then used to accelerate a chemically inert propellant to speeds far higher than achieved in a chemical rocket.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Some are still just theoretical, but over time, several of the theoretical approaches have been tested on spaceflight missions.

The building process is really just the kerbals putting those components together. Avidemux, to exerpt the video clip, read the video properties, and save More information. The survey system consists of two parts Demonstrate and apply the law of conservation of energy to a system involving a vertical spring and mass.

Reducing Fe 2 O 3 is a three-step process from Wikipedia: Thus, when creating a site consisting of more than one stake, it is easiest to have only one kerbal do the stake planting. A recipe consisting of only ingredients that have no mass will cause headaches Recipes for Building Building parts and thus vessels requires resources.

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To use this website, you must agree to our Privacy Policyincluding cookie policy. Though it can work autonomously, it's recommended that an engineer come along to supervise the mining, repaint the cargo containers, and manage the convert-o-tron. While this does significantly increase the fuel requirements of the station, the smelter is actually dual-use: In a nuclear thermal rocket or solar thermal rocket a working fluid, usually hydrogenis heated to a high temperature, and then expands through a rocket nozzle to create thrust.

If there is no Login or Admin area visible select More information. For example, glucose C 6 H 12 O 6 using approximate molar masses: This keeps the mass flow of certain resources constant while varying the flow of others appropriately 25 when suitable ratios are specified.

Each ton of rocket dry-mass requires five kerbal-hours i. Understand the meaning of the term More information. More sophisticated space extrapllanetary designs reduce the energy cost per trip by using counterweightsand the most ambitious schemes aim to balance loads going up and down and thus make the energy cost close to extfaplanetary.

Orbital Construction Orbital construction is probably the easiest to get going as all that is required is a supply of RocketParts, an orbital dock, some qualified construction kerbals, and somewhere for them to work. Space elevators have also sometimes been referred to as " beanstalks ", "space bridges", "space lifts", "space ladders" and "orbital towers". SpawnTransform Specifies the model transform to be used as the launch transform. Module Fields None ELRecycler Destroys anything it touches including unfortunate kerbalsreclaiming what resources it can.

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The buttons should be disabled when the search fails. EditPad Lite has never been available for business or government use. These crashes did not corrupt any files, but would cause you to lose any unsaved changes. It is still free for personal use. Pasting while a rectangular block is selected does not correctly replace the selection unless the cursor is in the upper left corner. In EditPad 6 pressing backspace when there is only whitespace to the left of the cursor unindents the line when auto indent is on. editpad lite 64 bit

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Screen shots have been updated to show EditPad running on Windows Search Replace All with the "Line by Line" option no longer deletes the line break at the end of the line if the replacement text is not blank. Minimizing EditPad when the option to hide the taskbar button is turned on in Options Preferences System left a non-functional taskbar button instead of hiding it.

The line is only highlighted when the editor has input focus. Running EditPad as administrator now shows as administrator in the caption bar, so you can easily distinguish between EditPad instances running with elevated rights from those running with normal rights. Use regular expressions and adaptive case options for powerful and dynamic search terms and replacements.

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Allow text to be wrapped after any ideograph, even if there is no whitespace. EditPad would lock up when printing a file larger than 64K if word wrap was off in the editor.

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To directly execute a command that has a submenu, release the Alt key after opening the main menu, and then press the letter key for the command that you want to execute. Auto-completion of the Search drop-down list on the search toolbar when using it without the full search panel is now case sensitive when the Case Sensitive search option is turned on; the Replace drop-down list is now always case sensitive.

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You can use any mixture of any number of scripts anywhere in EditPad, including in file names. Word wrapping broke lines at certain characters where it should not, such as the non-breaking hyphen. When EditPad is closed while maximized on a multi-monitor system, it now remembers which monitor it was maximized on in addition to being maximized. Eliminated the distinction between core file types and other ljte types, so all file types can be reordered or deleted. Search big can now be used shown with or without the full search panel with multi-line search and replace edit controls.

Pasting into the search and replace drop-down lists failed with a beep if the text on the clipboard included a line break; now it will paste the first line. If a file other than the active file needed to be reloaded from disk while searching through all files, an access violation occurred if the file is larger than 64K.

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Changes made before and after saving a file now always result in separate items in the undo history, so there is always a way to undo to the point of each save.


Ollie, on the other hand as I mentioned earlier sounds unimaginably fast. The band pulls out all the stops here and hits you with everything they got - melodic guitar shredding, insane speeds, groovy riffs, and a vocalist that I imagine the Terminator would sound like if he joined a band. Did some famous dude I don't know pimp them out? It begins with a brutal death metal intro with some, very weird vocals to begin with. II by Vale Of Pnath. This album is in much better taste than many of it's contemporaries, being that there is nice use of guitar harmonics, and tasty licks to break up the non-stop bass drum and tremolo. I always love it when a band does something different from their usual style. cytotoxin radiophobia

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I mean, even Lord Marco is now their fan and you can only imagine!

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The difference is, it is done in limits, it has a tune, and it sounds endearingly brilliant. Bands alphabetical country genre Labels alphabetical country Reviews R. This song will jolt you with an extremely fast, although tiny, bass slapping flash and insane, intricate shreds on the lead. Ollie, on the other hand as I mentioned earlier sounds unimaginably fast.

The pig squeals always have, and always will be annoying to me, but for the most part the vocalist is pretty impressive.

Cytotoxin - Radiophobia - CD

Unfortunately, the fact that the first song is meant to be a showcase of everything Cytotoxin is capable of does mean that the subsequent tracks are lacking in variety ctotoxin bit - which, however, does not make them any less enjoyable.

Even though I don't appreciate the pig squeals and all, there is a broad range of different vocal "textures" going on here. This is a wild ride fraturing massive guitars, tasteful flamenco, just wild man.

Master Boot Record fires up a monstrously-efficient assembly line, powered by industrial, synth-wave, and hardcore techno. The riffs sound so magical throughout the album, radiophoboa maybe not everyone deserves to listen to music of this level!

It slowly rises to some crazy, yctotoxin death metal riffage with occasional shred outbursts. Tags cytotoxin death metal radiophobia unique leader Naples.

Frontier of Deception Wilhelm G The brutality of this album dytotoxin blow your mind. The Seattle band is optimized for one thing, and one thing alone: When you're playing a style as overpopulated as this, it'd be cool to help yourself stand out a bit, but this just is not the right way to do it for me.

CYTOTOXIN – Chernobyl Death Metal

But really, those are two easy things to get over. People like Ed Veter also did their part in promoting their music. It begins with a brutal death metal intro with some, very weird vocals to begin with. There are a lot of variations and snare madness as well. Although the preview might have suggested a hint of guitar wankery, worry not, it is as brutal, as technical it sounds! Abysm Nucleus - Rwdiophobia must be the most technical, yet brutal, intricate, beautiful, hell I could use all the positive adjectives for that intro!

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II by Vale Of Pnath. These guys are the perfect blend of technical death metal and melody!

If music could get any faster, it would sound bad. I don't usually talk about being a review mod because y'all would not be entertained by stories of me staring at my laptop for hours at a time, wondering if anybody has even so much as looked at previous reviews to know that just maybe their four line review might not be acceptable.

It sounded like the pig that was squealing till now, is in fact dying! Radiophobi always love it when a band does something different from their usual style. Yazz Ahmed guests and we feature "The Music of" tribute to French musical legends.

I didn't realize until after writing this sentence that they actually are signed to Unique Leader, so basically I'm a fucking geniusit's that exact brand of faceless tech death that so few bands really manage to break out of. I wouldn't say they are different styles, because they're all growls, but he gets a huge range of sounds from his vocal cords.

High energy, and relentless riffs. BastardHeadDecember 2nd, Dead Zone Walkthrough


It's Big Ill, with the uptown connection Flexin in my section'll get you fucked up on the reg Your body I'll deliver to the river you can beg For your homiez for your homiez but they won't be around Buck buck buck is the sound then you drown Where my homiez? Their works also appeared on the soundtracks of movies including New Jersey Drive and Panther. This article does not cite any sources. Yo bust the remix that we fixed You know it's mad lethal Creep in the jeep Pump funk for the people Evil keeps lurkin when I'm workin my style Whoever smoke weed need to stay for a while Now I'm standin on the corner we about to get hyper Aiyyo pass the dog in a circle like a cypher Time to roll the dice, fo'-five-six, headcrack Headcrack, don't front on the dough, you get smacked! Login with Facebook Error: Come around my way come around my way! ill al skratch where my homiez

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Come Around My Way. User does not exist. Creepin through my neighborhood Creepin through my neighborhood Come around my way come around my way Come around my way come around my way Come around my way come around my way Come around my way Creepin through my neighborhood Come around my way come around my way Come around my way heyehaheyyy Come around my way Creep wit' me through my neighborhood Come around my way Come around my way come around my way Come around my way come around, my way Come around my way Creep wit' me through my skrstch Come around my way come around, my way Come around my way Creepin through my neighborhood Come around my way Creepin through homoez neighborhood Come around my way yeah come around my way!

SongMeanings is a place for discussion and discovery. December Learn how and when to skratcy this template message. August 2, Label: Languages Polski Edit links. Creep Wit' Me Released: Creepin through the hood!

Yo bust the remix that we fixed You know it's mad lethal Creep in the jeep Pump funk for the people Evil keeps lurkin when I'm workin my style Whoever smoke weed need to stay for a while Now I'm standin on the corner we about to get hyper Aiyyo pass the dog in a circle like a cypher Time to roll the dice, fo'-five-six, headcrack Headcrack, don't front on the dough, you get smacked! Log in to add a tag.

ill al skratch where my homiez

It also managed to reach the Billboard and spawned a third single, "Chill With That. Log in now to tell us what skratcy think this song means. Keep It Movin' Released: The duo's first appearance on record was their single named "Where My Homiez? By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

ill al skratch where my homiez

East Coast hip hopHip hop. Lyrics submitted by SongMeanings.

Ill Al Skratch

This page was last edited on 30 Novemberat We over here G! Come Around My Way lyrics. Retrieved from " https: Login with Google Error: Mercury — IAS Entertainment —present. Add your thoughts No Comments. Come around my way come around my way Come around my way Oooh yeah!

Ill Al Skratch - Where My Homiez? (Come Around My Way) Lyrics | SongMeanings

Up to no good! Soon after releasing their first two singles, they released Creep Wit' Me to minor critical acclaim.

ill al skratch where my homiez

Come around my way Creepin through my neighborhood Come around my way Creep wit' me through my neighborhood, oooh yeahhh Come around my way Come around, my way Come around my way Come around, my way oooh yeahhh Creep wit' me through my neighborhood Edit Lyrics Edit Wiki Add Video. Come Around My Way. Inthey released Keep It Movin'an album that received little commercial success and critical attention.

It's Big Ill, with the uptown connection Flexin in my section'll get you fucked up on the reg Your body I'll deliver to the river you can beg For your homiez for your homiez but they won't be around Buck buck buck is the sound then you drown Where my homiez? Why not add your own? Log in now to add this track to your mixtape! Come around my way Where my homiez?